Footfall Reports
Weekly Reports 2024:
## Note inaccurate counts at High Street/ arcade north and southbound from week 19 to week 29##
Week 35 (26 August to 01 Sept)
Week 34 (19 August to 25 August)
Week 33 (12 August to 18 August)
Week 32 (05 August to 11 August)
Week 31 (29 July to 04 August)
##Week 29 (15 July to 21 July)
##Week 28 (08 July to 14 July)​
##Week 27 (01 July to 07 July)
##Week 26 (24 June to 30 June)​
##Week 25 (17 June to 23 June)​
##Week 24 (10 June to 16 June)​
##Week 23 (3 June to 9 June)
Note inaccurate counts at Arcade to High Street junction from week 15 **
Monthly Reports 2024:
##Month 8 (29 July - 25 August)
##Month 7 (01 July - 28 July)​
##Month 5 (29 April - 26 May)​
​**Month 4 (1 Apr to 28 Apr)
Monthly Reports 2023:
Weekly Reports 2023:
​Board Members
Jonathan Creasey [Chair]
(Creaseys Department Store/ Marks and Spencer (Franchise))
Kenny McDonald
(Channel Islands Co-Op)​
Malcolm Woodhams
(Guernsey Electricity)
Martin Search
(Ray & Scott)
Andy Ison
(Guernsey Pearl & Guernsey Goldsmiths)
The GRG is Limited By Guarantee and is registered as a Not for Profit Organisation (NP269).
© 2022 by Guernsey Retail Group LBG.